What Is the Definition of Value Scale in Art

How To Draw and Use a Value Scale in Your Artwork

I'1000 going to share with you an piece of cake way to shade in a value scale using pencil, charcoal, and fifty-fifty pigment. I'll also be explaining why you should probably buy a value scale as well if yous are serious about getting amend at your artwork.

What is a Value Scale?

A value scale tin can be considered non only a drawing exercise but besides an important tool when trying to learn how to depict. Right now I'd like to focus more on what a value calibration is but, earlier nosotros're finished I'll show you how yous tin can use value scales equally a tool for improving your drawing skills!

In its simplest form a value scale is a rectangular shape that encompasses different values ranging from low-cal to dark.  Not certain what value means in art?  Read this.


The example above shows 7 value steps ranging from white to black with several grays in between. Value scales can as well be created using color. Hither's the same case this time using the colour red:

red value scale

Value scales tin take every bit few or as many steps as you lot wish. Nosotros've been demonstrating how to draw a value scale consisting of 7 unlike values only you can certainly change that. Information technology becomes more difficult when trying to draw a value calibration with many value steps. So how do we create a value scale? I'm glad you asked!…

How Do I Draw a Value Scale?

When starting out I recommend you create a value calibration consisting of five values. This is much easier to do and will give you the confidence needed earlier moving on to more than difficult drawings. Here'south a pace by footstep plan for drawing your outset value scale!

value scale preview

  1. To create a value scale, begin past cartoon out a rectangle and subdividing it into 5 fifty-fifty boxes. Catch a ruler and become going!

value scale step 0

  1. Side by side begin shading the last box (information technology will somewhen be black), but don't shade information technology in completely dark right away. Yous'll go better results if yous add many layers of pencil and go far at the desired value over time rather than correct away.  After you've shaded the last box move to the 2d to last box and shade it in slightly lighter. Continue repeating this process for each box, only making each one lighter in value than the previous box.

value scale step 1

value scale step 2

value scale step 3

  1. At this indicate yous should accept a value scale that looks very calorie-free similar to the terminal example above. Continue this process several more times working from the nighttime finish of the value scale towards the calorie-free stop of the scale.

It'southward okay to press harder to achieve your darkest values but remember to layer your pencil likewise. A layered arroyo to shading will always expect the best!  In the creation of this drawing exercise each time I added a new layer of pencil I choose to utilise a darker pencil.

value scale step 4


Use a random circular motion when shading and you'll get the nigh professional, smoothest looking results from your pencils.

circular pencil shading

Learning to Draw

Creating value scales is a great practice for learning how to draw. If you lot have e'er taken a drawing form your art instructor probably made you describe one. The 5 step value calibration we worked on in a higher place is a bully starting point but if you really want to test your drawing skills it would exist a proficient idea to get through the same do, merely with more boxes. In other words, can y'all draw a value scale consisting of nine distinct values that progress from white to blackness?

9 step value scale

Seeing Values

Recollect I mentioned that the value calibration can likewise be a valuable drawing tool? Check this out: Once yous have an accurate value calibration in your possession y'all can use it to discover values in annihilation y'all're trying to draw:

  1. Hold up the value scale in front of the actual subject matter you lot are drawing.
  2. Choose a value on the scale that is closest to the subject affair. This requires moving around the scale until y'all line upward the value that is closest with the values you are looking at.
  3. Now you have a practiced idea for what value you need in your cartoon. At present match your drawing to the correct value you lot simply discovered!
  4. Repeat this process for as many parts of your drawing in question.

This process of comparing reality to your cartoon in terms of values is a really fourth dimension-intensive, just a very accurate way to learn how to draw.

If this type of piece of work, quantifying what you are seeing, is something you find interesting you are definitely not lone. Albert Munsell developed a system for quantifying colors and values in the early 1900s. His system uses 11 different values. The Munsell organisation of color is taught and used by some of the artists associated with the  Thousand Central Atelier art school in New York. I know first hand considering I recently took and astonishing painting class in that location!

Although an expensive investment, the Munsell color organization is an excellent way to take your realistic, full-color artwork to and then side by side level and really get a handle on scientific-based color theory.

Types of Value Scales

So far nosotros accept been discussing what is called an "even value scale" which is ane of the two bones value scales an artist tin can create.  If you jumped right to this section this is what an even value scale looks like:

9 step value scale
Even Value Calibration

Even value scales are a fantastic way to do your drawing skills. Another skill you lot will need to develop as an creative person working on paper will be the skill of shading with graded values. This is where the graded value scale comes into play. Cheque out the graded value scale below:

graded value scale | gradient grayscale
Graded Value Scale

How would you draw this type of value calibration? Very similar to the manner nosotros drew the even value scale.

Start nearly the terminate of the scale yous wish to be blackness and slowly work your pencil strokes towards the white terminate of the scale. Recall not to achieve your final values right away. Make several passes from the dark terminate to the light end of the value scale. It's the layering that volition complete the smoothen transition from black to white.

Make a Value Calibration using Pencils

The procedure outlined to a higher place is exactly how I would shade in a value scale with pencil. While I advocated starting at the dark end of the calibration and working towards the light end that is non the only way to accomplish the value calibration. An creative person could as well get keen results starting nearly the lighter cease and working towards the darker end of the value scale. The concluding result is what matters. Practise what works for yous! One affair is for sure…the more than layers you apply the smoother your results volition be.


Holding your pencil nigh the end, opposite the tip, makes it much easier to shade extremely light values.

hand holding blue pencil from rear

Using a variety of pencil grades from the h-pencils to the b-pencils will also make this drawing task easier. Consequently, using a range of pencils will also brand sure that your dark values reach a maximum value that is as close to black as possible. Read this post on pencil grades if you need a refresher on what the different pencils can exercise for your artwork.

Shading Value Scales in Charcoal

Tin I shade a value scale in charcoal? Absolutely. Information technology's very much the same process every bit the cartoon process outlined higher up. Charcoal tends to be messy though, so if y'all ever desire to create an extremely bang-up value scale in charcoal you can mask off the edges or utilize your kneaded eraser to make clean up the edges of the drawing afterwards. Check out this old video I made many years ago showing the process:

In the video I'm using both vine charcoal and compressed charcoal to get the job done!

Painting a Value Calibration

By now you probably have a expert idea for drawing value scales but how does all this translate into painting? The concept is the aforementioned merely when using paint you won't be relying on layering or pressure to create your values. When painting y'all need to mix different values on your painter's palette and then paint them into position. You tin can't press harder with your pigment brush and expect to become a darker paint!

You tin can practice it! Use white paint and blackness paint to your palette and premix the 3 greyness values in between right on your palette. Then complete your painted value calibration. It's that unproblematic! Exist sure to wipe your pigment brush make clean before irresolute values.

Drawing Aides

value card | tools for learning how to drawWhile I practise recommend cartoon your own value scales, especially at showtime, your finished drawings will be drawn on paper and are typically not very durable. You can buy a pre-made value scale and they are usually made of more than durable cardboard. Some even take useful holes in them or wedges cutting out of the side. These holes make comparison values easier as I described towards the offset of this tutorial. Basically you lot can look through the hole and compare what you are seeing to the value in the appropriate part of the scale.

Want to learn more about drawing?

Cheque out some of my pop drawing tutorials that volition get you drawing similar a pro in no fourth dimension!

Let me know if you found this post useful or if you have any questions. Delight use the form below.


Source: https://helloartsy.com/value-scale/

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